New Era Foot Soldiers for Democracy - Join the effort by becoming either an Official Election Poll Commissioner with your local parish’s Chief Election Officer or sign up to serve as a Poll Monitor with Louisiana Unity Coalition voter protection efforts.
Election Poll Commissioner: Each election, the Chief Election Officer for each individual parish must staff and manage various polling locations in neighborhoods throughout the State. This requires the work and commitment of nearly thousands of election commissioners who must be trained to manage the complexities of the voting process.
Election commissioners are essential to the success of any election, but across the State, there are never enough capable, committed residents willing to do their civic duty and work as a Poll Worker on Election Day. It is vital that more citizens take part in the electoral process at the precinct level.
Elections cannot be successful without active citizen participation. The elections department encourages all citizens to get involved in making sure YOUR elections are run as effectively and efficiently as possible.
To be an election commissioner, one must:
Be a registered voter who does not require assistance in voting.
Not have been convicted of an election offense enumerated in Chapter 10, Title 18 Louisiana Revised Statutes; and
Attend a training course and pass a test.
An election commissioner receives:
A stipend of $200.00 ($250.00 for Commissioner-in-Charge).
A fantastic opportunity to support his/her community.
For more information please contact the local Elections Officer in your home area. Your parish is counting on you!
To signup to serve as an Election Commissioner in Orleans Parish, please contact Ms. Betsy Stoner at 504-658-8370 to find out when the next signup period and training date is taking place.
Election Day Poll Monitor: Louisiana Unity Coalition is seeking a combination of volunteer and paid-stipend (amount to be determined) voters to serve in its Election Day Voter Protection Operation to help ensure fair and barrier-free access to casting your vote.
#RuVoteReady Public Awareness - Voter Registration, Voter Assistance & Voter Protection Field & Online Outreach. Participation in our #RuVoteREADY Public Awareness is easy; simply agree to share our public information campaign materials (social media, direct mail, digital ADS, PSAs, National Voter Registration Day event) with your social media friends online and via text messaging. Join the effort to help encourage your friends and family to verify their voting eligibility prior to registration deadlines, making them aware of their voting rights under state and federal law, and preparing them for the vote-by-mail experience.
#Do2In2020 Vote & Be Counted Voter Education, Get Out the Count (GOTC) & Get out the Vote (GOTV) Campaign. Have your nonpartisan organization (Black Greek organization, Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs, Faith-based entities, Car Clubs) agree to take the lead in organizing activities to encourage citizens’ participation in both the Census Count and the November 3rd Elections. Planned activities include but are not limited to (virtual phone banking, virtual townhalls, rallies, direct mail, training sessions, social media, parades, vote-by-mail early vote promotion, canvassing, etc.).
Share #CountMeBlack 2020 Decennial Census graphics (see attached) and post below on your social media:
URGENT! In the midst of keeping our communities healthy, we must also make sure we are counted in the 2020 Decennial Census! You do not have to come into contact with anyone in order to be counted, submit online today! @my2020census.gov #CountMeBlack #Census2020
URGENT! The ability to be counted in the 2020 Census ends on Sept. 30, 2020! Make sure your community doesn’t miss out on its share of $800 Billion dollars of funding for schools, hospitals, economic opportunity, transportation and more! Please stop what you are doing! Get counted TODAY @ my2020Census.gov #CountMeBlack #Census2020
URGENT! Even if you were not born in the U.S., you have a right to be counted in the 2020 Decennial Census! Get counted TODAY @ my2020census.gov Fill out your census form or find assistance in your native language! #CountMeBlack #Census2020
URGENT! In the midst of keeping our communities healthy, we must also make sure we are counted in the census! You do not have to come into contact with anyone in order to be counted, submit online today! @my2020census.gov #CountMeBlack
Black Youth Vote Collegiate and Community. Louisiana Unity Coalition is organizing “Do2In2020 Vote & Be Counted” Virtual Challenge, Presidential Debate Watch Parties, Spill the Tea & Field Outreach events centered around increasing Black Voter participation among young voter by reaching out to colleges and high school campuses throughout the state. Select universities and charter school operators have agreed to host efforts at their sites, contact us to add your school to the list.
Black Women’s Roundtable “Power of the Sister Vote” Racial, Economic, Health, Environmental & Reproductive Justice” Virtual Townhall Meetings/Table Talks. The Black Women’s Roundtable is one of NCBCP’s signature initiatives, an empowerment program that works to engage, educate, organize, and mobilize African Americans of all ages to take part in our democracy. Through educational programs and leadership training, the Coalition works to expand, strengthen, and empower Black communities to make voting and civic participation a cultural responsibility and tradition. Please follow us on Twitter and join our Facebook group. (organize and promote virtual townhall/table talks focused on Black women voters in your state)
Project Vote & Live
Youth Educating and Advocating for Voting (YEAV)
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Press Conference
A student-driven collation launched a city-wide initiative by local students to inspire and mobilize their peers (especially youth between the ages of 18-25 years old) to vote. YEAV is a group of 20 students selected from public and private high schools in New Orleans which was convened by the Alliance for Diversity & Excellence. The launch was held at McDonogh 35 High School.
Project Vote & Live
Youth Educating and Advocating for Voting (YEAV)
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Drive-in Movie + Register Voters
YEAV will host a drive-in voter registration event with a showing of either the movie Selma or Just Mercy. The event will also have elected officials and other prominent influencers encouraging young people
to vote and vote early.
Project Vote & Live
Youth Educating and Advocating for Voting (YEAV)
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Presidential Debate Watch Party
YEAV in partnership with Citizen She will co-host two nights to gather with likeminded young
people (virtually) to watch the first round of presidential debates, discuss what was liked and did
not like, and talk about how our local work can shape the future of the country.
Project Vote & Live
Youth Educating and Advocating for Voting (YEAV)
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Virtual Candidate Forum
YEAV “Meet the Candidates Forums" to help the community learn
more about the individuals seeking election featuring candidates for the Orleans Parish School Board and District Attorney race. The forums will be held on the Zoom /Instagram/ Facebook platforms. Questions are welcome by September 29, 2020
and should be submitted to: yeav2020@gmail.com. Registration is required and it is free.
Candidate Forum: dates by district
October 13: School Board District 1 and 6
October 16: School Board District 2 and 3
October 20: School Board District 4 and 5
October 23: School Board District 7
October 27: candidates for DA
Project Vote & Live
Youth Educating and Advocating for Voting (YEAV)
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Early Voting Biking to the Polls
To promote Early Voting YEAV is encouraging residents to bike to the polls on October 20th-27th. Residents can participate in two ways, by
either taking a photo of themselves with their bikes in front of their polling site or joining an organized group of bikers on one of the days that YEAV will bike from a partner school to the
nearest polling site. Groups can register with YEAV through #YEAV. Groups will meet at participating school sites and bike to the nearest polling location. YEAV will support each group's effort by providing a toolkit document, co-branding the event, and advice on bike routes and